As an oil painter, the last few years have been about working out this idea of light pushing through darkness. Deep darks with soft edges merging into bright lights. A stark contrast to the rich colors and cityscapes I was known for at the start of my career in Los Angeles.
Translating the vision in my mind's eye onto the canvas proved challenging with oils. Then, a serendipitous moment with an iPhone photograph captured by my daughter opened a portal of inspiration. Experimenting with the settings, I stumbled upon a transformative effect that achieved what I had been striving to convey. Suddenly, there it was--the hard contours of the world we live in softened by the light pushing through, like when you squint your eyes to see, not the detail, but how the light feels. Different colors at different times of the day, and people as light, shadow, and color.
These images depict not the world I see but the world I feel. As light always does, it has changed the way I see the world forever.